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Law Office of Matthew Robinson



Why are you waiting to evict that non-paying tenant? Stop the Bleeding!

The Law Office of Matthew Robinson believes strongly that the foremost concern in any delinquent rent situation is to evict the tenant as quickly as possible so that the landlord can get their property producing right away. We understand that the margins on rental property simply are not large enough to sustain long periods without rent being paid.

Matthew Robinson understands the eviction process both as an attorney and from the landlord’s perspective. As a landlord himself, Matthew had to evict his very first tenant. He really understands first hand the strain of paying a mortgage while your tenant refuses to pay their rent.

With this in mind, Matthew moves to start the eviction process immediately get your complaint on file immediately, either the same or next day after receiving the details for the eviction and the signed verification to be filed. He is aggressive with the court dates, calling on reliable process servers to get the tenant served quickly so that they can be evicted quickly.

The first step in an eviction is to serve the tenants with a five-day notice (other notices apply to situations other than failure to pay rent). Service of the five-day notice can be done by the landlord or your agent. Give us a call if you need a form for a five-day notice, we would be happy to email one over for your use free of charge.

The next step is to file the complaint and place it for service. If the complaint is served before the initial court status, the case is highly likely to be resolved on that date. Either the defendant will not appear, resulting in a default judgment, or the defendant will admit liability or come to some sort of agreement on what is due. In rare occasions, the case will have to go to trial, usually within a very short time after that initial court date.

After achieving a money judgment and order of possession against your tenant, the Law Office of Matthew Robinson can help you recover your money from your tenant through wage deductions and garnishments against your tenant’s bank account. Of course, many delinquent tenants do not have assets against which a judgment can be enforced, which makes it that much more important to stop the bleeding as soon as possible. We can also work with you to modify your current lease to make it better for future tenants.

Call the Law Office of Matthew Robinson to get your property producing again as quickly as possible.

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Matthew has a track record of effectively handling cases in state and bankruptcy courts, both before judges and juries. He has adeptly managed business conflicts, both in and outside of the courtroom. Additionally, he has skillfully overseen the completion of sales involving businesses and real estate. His experience extends to guiding businesses from their initial stages to becoming multi-million dollar enterprises.

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